19 July 2009

At The Movies

We saw Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince today, and it was excellent. It may be the best one so far.

Yeah, it was very good and very dark -- not at all surprising considering the story.


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I'm waiting with bated breath to see this one but I'll wait until it hits on DVD so I can watch it over and over in the privacy of our home.

KarenB said...

I got to take my 9 year old. The last one was PG-13 so we waited and watched on DVD. It's kind of difficult to stop the movie in the theater and help your child deal with some of the things that are happening. Since this was PG, we all got to see it at the theater. She cried at the end, but since I was sobbing, too, it wasn't a problem.

splord said...

Oh, I'll have the DVD (eventually). This is the first HP I've seen in the theater, and it was pretty dang cool. Even if the management did have the sound turned up to 11 and the A/C turned down to 11 (°C -- Brrr).

ouyangdan said...

That is exactly what I thought about it. I loved it. I thought it was the best one so far.

Jennifer said...

I didn't notice it was loud. Probably because of the protective layer of frost covering my eardrums.