Appearance: Life of Brian
The black shadowed person in helmet.
High Light: Latin Lesson. Brian is writing a slogan to a wall, oblivious to the Roman patrol approaching from behind. The slogan is "ROMANES EUNT DOMUS".Centurion: What's this then? "ROMANES EUNT DOMUS"? "People called Romanes they go the house"?
Brian: It, it says "Romans go home".
Centurion: No it doesn't. What's Latin for "Roman"?
Brian: (hesitates)
Centurion: Come on, come on!
Brian: (uncertain) "ROMANUS".
Centurion: Goes like?
Brian: "-ANUS".
Centurion: Vocative plural of "-ANUS" is?
Brian: "-ANI".
Centurion: (takes paintbrush from Brian and paints over) "RO-MA-NI".
"EUNT"? What is "EUNT"?
Brian: "Go".
Centurion: Conjugate the verb "to go"!
Brian: "IRE". "EO", "IS", "IT", "IMUS", "ITIS", "EUNT".
Centurion:So "EUNT" is ...?
Brian: Third person plural present indicative, "they go".
Centurion: But "Romans, go home!" is an order, so you must use the ...?
(lifts Brian by his hairs)
Brian: The ... imperative.
Centurion: Which is?
Brian: Ahm, oh, oh, "I", "I"!
Centurion: How many romans?
(pulls harder)
Brian: Plural, plural! "ITE".
Centurion: (strikes over "EUNT" and paints "ITE" to the wall)
(satisfied) "I-TE".
"DOMUS"? Nominative? "Go home", this is motion towards, isn't it, boy?
Brian: (very anxious) Dative?
Centurion:(draws his sword and holds it to Brian's throat)
Brian: Ahh! No, ablative, ablative, sir. No, the, accusative, accusative,
ah, DOMUM, sir.
Centurion:Except that "DOMUS" takes the ...?
Brian: ... the locative, sir!
Centurion: Which is?
Brian: "DOMUM".
Centurion: (satisfied) "DOMUM" (strikes out "DOMUS" and writes "DOMUM") "-MUM".
Brian: Yes sir.
Centurion: Now write it down a hundred times.
Brian: Yes sir, thank you sir, hail Caesar, sir.
Centurion: (salutes) Hail Caesar.
If it's not done by sunrise, I'll cut your balls off.
Brian: (very reliefed) Oh thank you sir, thank you sir, hail Caesar and
everything, sir!