04 February 2011

Hooman and Kitteh Treatses

So I've been a bakin' fiend this week.  Okay, I've baked some bread.  I'm making whole wheat bread to sell to friends and neighbors, which is cool, and also been making some for us here at home.  A couple weeks ago I tried a cinnamon bread, which Jen and the girls liked, but I knew it just. wasn't. right.  So today I decided to try a different recipe, called, most humbly,

"World's Best Cinnamon Raisin Bread"

That I found at food.com.  Only I'm not a big fan of the shrivelled grape, so I just left them out.  I don't know if it's truly the world's best, but it did turn out pretty dang good. Almost like my mom used to make (which, face it, is the goal).

Cinnamon bread ready to bake

Cinnamon bread ready to eat

But I haven't been baking just for us hoomans.  Oh, no.  I also made some "Catnip Crackers", or, as I've dubbed them, "Kitteh Biskits".  I got the recipe from a friend on Facebook, and she saw it here, at the end of a(n) unrelated to kittehs blog post.

Here's the recipe for those who don't wish to click through:
  • 1 1/4 cups whole wheat flour
  • 2 tablespoons dried catnip
  • 1/2 cup plain yogurt
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a bowl, mix together the flour and catnip, then stir in the yogurt, egg, honey, and vegetable oil. Roll out the dough on a floured surface and cut into small bite-sized pieces with a pizza cutter or small cookie cutters. We have a small dogbone-shaped cutter and a tiny duck-shaped cookie cutter we like to use. Place them on a greased cookie sheet and bake for 15 minutes or until they start to brown.

Kitteh Biskits in the oven

Kitteh Biskits ready to munch

And for anyone who knows, or is FB friends with, our two kittehs, it came as no surprise at all that Jamba scarfed her taste down and Raxi sniffed and walked away.  We'll see if that continues.

I should also mention that all the baking is practice at this point, as we got a "new" stove a couple weeks ago... so now I'm cooking with gas -- which I love -- but we're waiting on the next "shipment" from the states which, I'm told, will include a really nice oven thermometer from Jen's dad Dick.  Apparently oven thermometers are very hard to find here in Costa Rica and when one does find them they're way expensive.  Until then I just wing it (although, I'm starting to get a good feel for the look of the flame as it relates to the baking temperature), which, as you can see from the dark, dark crust on today's cinnamon bread, is not perfect.


Dick said...

Said oven thermometer is, as we speak, en-route to California. Just so you know.


Brave Sir Robin said...

Jamba scarfed her taste down and Raxi sniffed and walked away.

I smiled.

Bread looks stupendous.

Anonymous said...

I almost never eat sweets or pastries, but cinnamon bread somehow always seems to fall right into my mouth.

ALL of it. I can't stop 'till it's gone! :)

And yours looks absolutely delicious!!!