20 February 2010

What If...

... the US was a mature and involved society? Then people like me wouldn't have to post pictures like this:

to try to get the point across.


Saoirse in Spokane said...

Sad, but so true. When will they ever get it?

Dick said...

I say, access for all people to adequate health care is a Right-to-Life issue.

Dick said...

...Continuing from my last post...

Do you think we could get a movement started to redefine the health care issue thus? You know, maybe even get some Republicans onboard?

(Credit for the RTL connection goes to a caller on The Diane Rehm Show on NPR this morning.)

The Cunning Runt said...

We Suck.

There, I said it.

"They" don't hate us "'cause we're free," "They" hate us 'cause WE SUCK.

I've run plumb out of quotation marks, so I guess I'm done now.