09 February 2010

Stereotype? No Thanks

So, as you all know by now, I'm living in Costa Rica, and have been for nigh onto a year. In the heart of Latin America, with a population that's about 99.999999% Catholic. Okay, not quite that high, but it's way up there.


When you combine Latin America and Catholicism, you get macho-misogyny, right? Right?

Meet the newly elected President of Costa Rica:
Laura Chinchilla* (chin-CHEE-ya)

And if that's not stereoatypical enough for you, the newly elected 2nd Vice-president (yes, there are two here) is Luis Lieberman(no photo available).

Adding... So the Presidents of the United States and Costa Rica are both basically my age. Not sure how I feel about that....


Jennifer said...

Hate to break it to you, but I think you might be a grownup.

pygalgia said...

Yeah, I know the pronunciation, but the spelling is still fun.
And I'm using the pic.
And I find myself being older than the pres. I remember my father being uncomfortable with Clinton, because he wasn't comfortable with a "younger" president.

The Cunning Runt said...

And once again our "first world" super-power country gets left in the dusts of "change," schooled by the little country which also has universal health care with better outcomes than ours.

Anyway, congrats on your new Prez!