Where were we...
Oh, right, I was building bunk beds for the girls for Christmas.
Well, that didn't get done, thanks of a combination of a spell of vertigo on my part and lack of the exact right tools (I needed an auger bit to get the holes drilled properly). So, on Christmas day, the girls each got a 1x4, and I showed them the drawing of what will be their new beds. They were/are thrilled. :)
Also, with my new monitor I had to remove the shelf unit on my desk, as it was built to fit around the old, smaller monitor. So today, I decided to build the new shelf unit (because all the stuff I had on the old one is in a box, and, as it's pretty much all stuff I use on a regular basis, I don't like being able to get to it). And the girls are at their dad's until Saturday, so I've got time.
But first, I decided to [finally] build my workbench, some of the material for which has been in the carport for several months. Using that and the cut-offs from the bed lumber, I put together a workable workbench (is there any other kind?).
legs and top frame assembled |
cutting the top boards |
instant (almost) worktable!! |
Ahhh, now I can cut/nail/screw/sand/assemble up at a comfortable height and not on the floor (or on the kitchen counter)!
On to the shelf unit, which I had drawn up on Google Sketchup:
new shelves on old desktop |
My photographer was busy elsewhere while I was putting it together, so no action shots, but here's the thing, done and in place (varnish still just a bit tacky so I haven't loaded it down yet):
ta da! |
As you can see, although I got sidetracked, I still accomplished a good bit. Tomorrow, it's back to the bunks. But now I'll be able to use my new workbench!!