Me and the boys hangin' at Moe's. (h/t to Waveflux via Shakespeare's Sister) Well, sorta me. You'd think they'd have glasses for the avatars since Smithers wears them, but nooo!
Where are all the commercials trying to dissuade people from raping other people? I have watched more television than I'm sure is appropriate or healthy and I have never seen one commercial against the ghastly crime of rape. I see plenty of commercials where people are warned of the evils of MJ.
I'd never thought about the fact that while there are anti-drug ads, there aren't anti-rape or anti-robbery or -murder ads.... I may have to delve into that a bit more.
it seems to me other federal agencies would be desirous to actually try to dissuade people from committing crimes that actually have a victim. By not producing commercials of that nature they refute the supposed efficacy of the ads they themselves unctuously hail as being effective. I am not an intellectually ponderous man, but IF a government is necessary I wish that the constituents of said government would at the very least match my pedestrian level of intelligence.
"In all my years I've never seen, heard, nor smelled an issue that was so dangerous it couldn't be talked about. Hell yes, I'm for debating anything!" - 'Stephen Hopkins', 1776 (the movie)
Phydeaux Speaks -- [noun]: A brand of soylent green breakfast cereal 'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com |
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June 2000
I just received word that (yet another) friend of mine has been raped. Quite unfortunately, this is not an uncommon experience. I just have one question. What the fuck is wrong with this civilization?!?!?! Why have we allowed the situation to become so intricately screwed up? Why has the quest to be the one with the most money been allowed to dominate this supposedly enlightened world we live in?
I know exactly what's going to happen with regards to the attack on my friend. Essentially the same thing that has happened in the cases of the other women that I know that have been raped. In the extremely small likelihood that anyone is ever brought to trial, even a conviction will probably not cause the rapist to spend any appreciable time behind bars. It can't, you see, because this violent, slime-encrusted, less worthy of respect than Hitler... entity... will be paroled to make more room in prison for non-violent drug offenders.
I want all of you pro-Drug War people reading this to listen closely. An increasingly larger majority of prison inmates are serving time for non-violent offenses. Due to the high cost of housing prisoners, not to mention the even higher cost of building new prisons to hold these perpetrators of crimes that have no victims, more and more violent offenders are being paroled.
Here's a shock; these violent offenders know this. What kind of detriment is this for them? They get to spend a couple of years on the public dole, and then they're released to attack someone else.
So we have two classes of people that we're talking about here. One group shoots, stabs, beats, rapes, robs, and generally makes their victim feel either unworthy of life or dead. The other group smokes up and either listens to Grateful Dead music, watches old Monty Python or similar humorous programs, or goes for a hike in the woods. And our society, our great experiment in democracy, our nation that was founded on individual rights and personal freedoms - has deemed it appropriate to release group one and hold group two - to protect society. Yeah right.
I don't really want to sound totally cynical, and I'm not a big believer in conspiracy theories, but let me just throw this out. How many millions of dollars a year in profits do pharmaceutical companies reap from prescriptions written by MD's and psychologists to treat the victims of violent crimes? How many contributions to society are delayed or lost forever by these same victims? Maybe you'll understand this one - How much are job productivity, profits, and health care costs affected by the employers of these victims? How much longer are we going to allow the people, as in "We the people", to be propagandized, prodded and frightened into not asserting their constitutionally guaranteed rights?
Now, I don't want you to think that I believe there should be no regulations regarding drugs. I think that cocaine and heroin should be more difficult to procure than winning lottery tickets, and I personally believe that whoever invented crack should be extradited to Saudi Arabia and punished according to the harshest possible interpretation of Sharia law. And I think that anyone who "turns on" children, other than their parents, should be treated just as harshly. But don't you see that placing a stigma on something just makes it more attractive to children and adolescents? Do you not remember being a teenager and rebelling (or at least wanting to) just because you could? Not to mention the fact that it would also piss off your parents.
Marijuana is called weed because it is one. Weeds grow anywhere and are impossible to eradicate. The effect of smoking it is very calming, so naturally smokers tend to be more pacifist than average. People with violent tendencies don't like the effect of pot on their systems, it takes away their rage. Maybe we should prescribe it for the violent offenders. They would be much less likely to commit the crimes in the first place, and if we arrested them for possession, at least we could keep them off the streets longer, thereby further reducing the risk to society at large.
One last thing, as you think about this article, think how you would feel if the next victim of my friend's attacker is your friend or sister or wife or mother.
I welcome any reasoned responses to, whether what I wrote agrees with you or pisses you off.
1. Theoretical Ideal Candidate (100%)
2. Barack Obama (83%)
3. Dennis Kucinich (82%)
4. Joseph Biden (74%)
5. Christopher Dodd (73%)
6. Hillary Clinton (73%)
7. Wesley Clark (72%)
8. John Edwards (70%)
9. Al Gore (68%)
10. Bill Richardson (61%)
11. Mike Gravel (61%)
12. Elaine Brown (48%)
13. Ron Paul (43%)
14. Kent McManigal (36%)
15. Rudolph Giuliani (30%)
16. Mike Huckabee (27%)
17. John McCain (23%)
18. Tommy Thompson (21%)
19. Mitt Romney (20%)
20. Chuck Hagel (18%)
21. Newt Gingrich (14%)
22. Sam Brownback (14%)
23. Tom Tancredo (12%)
24. Fred Thompson (11%)
25. Duncan Hunter (10%)
26. Jim Gilmore (8%)
Realizing their recent theoretical prediction, they were able to light a 60W light bulb from a power source seven feet (more than two meters) away; there was no physical connection between the source and the appliance. The MIT team refers to its concept as "WiTricity" (as in wireless electricity). The work will be reported in the June 7 issue of Science Express, the advance online publication of the journal Science..
"It was probably the sixth time that month that I was awakened by my cell phone beeping to let me know that I had forgotten to charge it. It occurred to me that it would be so great if the thing took care of its own charging." [Prof. Marin Soljacic, leader of the team]
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"Yes, hello, I would -"
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"You have reached the sales department here at MegaLo, your one stop customer first shopping center. No one can get to the phone right now, but your call is very important to us. If you know your party's extension, you may dial it at any time. To place an order, press one. To check on an order, press two. To be placed on our e-mail list, press three. To repeat this menu, press star."
"Thank you for calling the routing department here at MegaLo, your one stop customer first shopping center. We can't get to the phone right now, but your call is very important to us. To check the status of your order, press one. To verify shipment of your order, press two. For the latest stock quotes, press three. To repeat this menu, press star."
"Hi, this is Ted Whisnant, head of the routing department at MegaLo, your one stop customer first shopping center. I can't get to the phone right now, but your call is very important to me. Please leave a brief message at the beep, or press one to speak with my office assistant."
"Thank you for calling the office of Ted Whisnant, head of routing at MegaLo, your one stop customer first shopping center. No one can get to the phone right now, but your call is very important to us. At the sound of the beep, please leave a brief message, including your name and phone number and we will get back to you as soon as possible. BEEP."
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I have no doubt that … a trend of global warming exists. I am not sure that it is fair to say that it is a problem we must wrestle with. To assume that it is a problem is to assume that the state of Earth's climate today is the optimal climate, the best climate that we could have or ever have had and that we need to take steps to make sure that it doesn't change.
I guess I would ask which human beings — where and when — are to be accorded the privilege of deciding that this particular climate that we have right here today, right now is the best climate for all other human beings. I think that's a rather arrogant position for people to take.